Authorisation for the LEZ: vehicle used for emergencies

Diesel vehicles used for emergencies with Euro 4 or 3 standard can enter the low-emission zone with a temporary permit.

What is it about? 

Vehicles of the fire service, police, army, civil protection or highway maintenance that are not authorised in the low-emission zone (LEZ) can, however, enter with a temporary permit for a fee, if they meet the conditions below. 

What are the conditions? 

  • These are vehicles used by the fire service, police, army, civil protection or highway maintenance to respond to an emergency or perform a rescue operation. Examples include tow trucks, crane cars, or vehicles with ladders.  
  • They are diesel vehicles with euro 4 or 3 emissions standard.  

How much does it cost? 

The amount depends on the vehicle category and the period for which you request authorisation. You can find the vehicle category on your vehicle's registration certificate in box J. 

  • Diesel vehicles with euro 4 emissions standard used in an emergency pay a reduced rate. 
  • Diesel vehicles with euro 3 emissions standard used in an emergency pay the standard rate. 

What do you need? 

  • the registration certificate 
  • the European certificate of conformity. 
  • a photo of the side, front and rear of the vehicle with clearly visible number plate 
  • proof that the vehicle will be used for emergency or rescue operations. For example, this could be an agreement with the client 
  • your bank card  

What do you need to do? 

Would you prefer us to arrange an appointment for you? Then call 09 210 10 30. 

Request the permit at the earliest 4 months in advance and at the latest 1 day after you entered the LEZ. That way, you will avoid a fine. 

Please note: the average processing time for a request is 14 days. You can already enter the low-emission zone, but this is at your own risk. After all, your request has not yet been officially approved. If it subsequently turns out that your request does not meet all the conditions and is therefore rejected, you may receive a fine. It is therefore best to apply for permission in advance.