Authorisation for the LEZ: diesel vehicle euro 4 emissions standard

Purchase a temporary permit to enter the low-emission zone if you have a diesel vehicle euro 4 emissions standards.

What is it about? 

For a diesel vehicle with euro 4 emissions standard, you can buy a permit which allows you to enter the Ghent low-emission zone for 1 week, 1 month, 4 months or 1 year.  

How much does it cost? 

The amount depends on the vehicle category and the period for which you request authorisation. You can find the vehicle category on your vehicle's registration certificate in box J. 

Category M1: passenger car up to 8 seats + driver 

Standard rate 

  • 1 week: €25 
  • 1 month: €50 
  • 4 months: €130 
  • 1 year: € 345 

Reduced rate 

If you are entitled to an increased allowance for healthcare, you will pay a reduced rate for your permit.

  • 1 week: €10 
  • 1 month: €20 
  • 4 months: €55 
  • 1 year: €140  

Look at the 6-digit code (XXX/XXX) on the yellow sticker of your health insurance fund. If the 3rd digit is a '1', you are entitled to an increased allowance.  

Do you not know whether you are entitled to an increased allowance? Then the City of Ghent will check for you. You will then pay the normal rate. If you are entitled to an increased allowance, you will be reimbursed the difference with the reduced rate.  

View the complete rate table (including freight transport) in pdf. 

What do you need? 

  • the registration certificate 
  • the European certificate of conformity. 
  • your bank card and card reader  

What do you need to do? 

Request your permit online.You first arrive at the check tool. There, enter your registration number and date of 1st registration. Answer the questions. Then you can request a permit. 

Need help? Make an appointment 

Request the permit at the earliest 4 months in advance and at the latest 1 day after you entered the LEZ. That way, you will avoid a fine. 

Please note: the average processing time for a request is 14 days. You can already enter the low-emission zone, but this is at your own risk. After all, your request has not yet been officially approved. If it subsequently turns out that your request does not meet all the conditions and is therefore rejected, you may receive a fine. It is therefore best to apply for permission in advance.