Registration for the LEZ: classic car older than 30 years

Is your car older than 30 years and registered as a classic car (oldtimer)? Then you have to register your vehicle first.

What is it about?

Vehicles older than 30 years and registered as classic cars (oldtimers) can benefit from an exemption from the low-emission zone under certain conditions, if you register the car on time.

This exemption was approved by the Flemish government on 26/04/2024 and is only effective after publication in the Belgian Official Gazette on 16/05/2024.

The exemption is also valid in the low-emission zone in Antwerp, but not in Brussels. 

NOTE: Until this decision is published in the Belgian Official Gazette, a vehicle over 30 years old can only drive in the LEZ with an LEZ day pass.  

What are the conditions?

  1. The vehicle is registered with the DIV as a classic car (oldtimer).
  2. The vehicle has an O number plate, a 1-O number plate or a personalised number plate.
  3. The vehicle is more than 30 years old.

Your car cannot be used for:

  • Commercial and professional purposes
  • Commuting to and from work or school
  • Paid transport and free transport assimilated to paid transport of persons
  • A tool for work, nor for intervention purposes

It is possible to apply for a 5-year exemption for foreign vehicles, provided the vehicle is at least 30 years old. You can subsequently renew this exemption.  

How much does it cost?

Registration is free of charge.

  • Register the vehicle at the latest the day after you entered the low-emission zone, to avoid paying a fine.
  • Are you too late? Then request late registration.

What do you need?

Your vehicle registration certificate.

What do you need to do?

Do this no later than 1 day after you entered the low-emission zone. That way, you will avoid a fine. 

Please note: The decision on your application is not final until you receive confirmation. The processing of your application may take up to 14 days. If you enter the low-emission zone in Ghent before receiving confirmation, you do so at your own risk. If your application is subsequently rejected, you may receive a fine. It is therefore best to register in advance.