Authorisation for the LEZ: vehicle for itinerant trade, markets and forums

Is your vehicle not authorised to enter the LEZ? Purchase a temporary permit. The amount you pay depends on the euro emissions standard.

What is it about? 

Vehicles for the itinerant trade, markets and forums can buy a permit if they meet the conditions below. The rate depends on the euro emissions standard. The lower the euro emissions standard, the higher the rate.  

Your vehicle belongs to vehicle category M or N and is a  

  •  motor vehicle for itinerant trade, markets and forums: 

- 'a vehicle intended for sale, offer or display for sale and permanently adapted for this purpose for the sale to consumers of products and also the services related to these products by a trader outside the establishments listed in his registration in the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises or by a person who does not have such an establishment.' or 

- a vehicle which, regardless of its structure, already had a permanent (market) stand before 1 January 2020 (linked to a subscription granted by the City of Ghent). One (1) vehicle per subscription can also be considered a motor vehicle for itinerant trade and markets.  

  •  motor vehicle for forums: a vehicle intended for sale, offer or display for sale with a view to selling services to consumers in the context of operating fairground amusements or establishments of fairground gastronomy.  

What are the conditions? 

  • Your vehicle meets the description of a motor vehicle for the itinerant trade, markets and forums and has Euro 3 emissions standards (III) or 
  • Your diesel-engined vehicle meets the description of a vehicle for the itinerant trade and marketsforums and has Euro 2 (II), 1(I) or 0 emissions standard (euro emissions standard not known) or 
  • Your petrol-engined vehicle meets the description of a vehicle for the itinerant trade and marketsforums and has Euro 1(I) or 0 emissions standard (euro emissions standard not known).    

How much does it cost? 

The amount depends on the vehicle category and the period for which you request authorisation. You can find the vehicle category on your vehicle's registration certificate in box J. 

Do you have a vehicle for the itinerant trade, markets and forums with a diesel engine with euro 4 emissions standard? Then you can buy a permit at the standard rate.  

What do you need? 

  • the registration certificate 
  • the European certificate of conformity. 
  • a photo of the front and rear of the vehicle with visible number plate and showing that the vehicle is intended for the itinerant trade  
  • a photo of your QR code of your itinerant or fairground activities included in the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises 
  • your bank card  

What do you need to do? 

Request the permit at the earliest 4 months in advance and at the latest 1 day after you entered the LEZ. That way, you will avoid a fine. 

Please note: the average processing time for a request is 14 days. You can already enter the low-emission zone, but this is at your own risk. After all, your request has not yet been officially approved. If it subsequently turns out that your request does not meet all the conditions and is therefore rejected, you may receive a fine. It is therefore best to apply for permission in advance.