Authorisation for the LEZ: public interest vehicle

Is your vehicle not authorised to enter the LEZ? You can buy a temporary permit for these vehicles.

What is it about? 

Specific vehicles of utility companies, distribution system operators, road operators and their subcontractors for the supervision, control and maintenance of infrastructure and facilities in the public interest can enter the low-emission zone if they buy a permit. Examples include gully cleaners, vehicles for maintenance on tram lines, etc.    

What are the conditions? 

  • It is a diesel vehicle with euro 4 or 3 emissions standard.  
  • The vehicle is used for specific interventions on public roads and is identifiable by its construction, equipment or other permanent characteristics to perform specific tasks.  If the equipment is only secured in the vehicle, this is not a permanent characteristic. 

Please note: vans, tractors maintaining the street, household rubbish trucks, etc., do not fall under this category. 
Diesel vehicles with euro 4 emissions standard can apply for a temporary permit at the standard rate. 

How much does it cost? 

The amount depends on the vehicle category and the period for which you request authorisation. You can find the vehicle category on your vehicle's registration certificate in box J. 

  • Diesel vehicles with euro 4 emissions standard used in the public interest pay a reduced rate. 
  • Diesel vehicles with euro 3 emissions standard used in the public interest pay the standard rate. 

What do you need? 

  • the registration certificate 
  • a photo of the front and rear of the vehicle with a visible number plate 
  • a photo showing that the vehicle is specially equipped for the supervision, control and maintenance of infrastructure and installations in the public interest 
  • your bank card and card reader 
  • the letter from the client 

What do you need to do? 

Request the permit at the earliest 4 months in advance and at the latest 1 day after you entered the LEZ.That way, you will avoid a fine. 

Please note: the average processing time for a request is 14 days. You can already enter the low-emission zone, but this is at your own risk. After all, your request has not yet been officially approved. If it subsequently turns out that your request does not meet all the conditions and is therefore rejected, you may receive a fine. It is therefore best to apply for permission in advance.