Registration for the LEZ: vehicle with a better Euro emissions standard

Does your vehicle have a better euro emissions standard than the one listed in the low-emission zone database? Register for free

What is it about? 

Do you drive a vehicle that has a better euro emissions standard than what is stated on your registration certificate and known to DIV? Then the manufacturer has already modified your vehicle to a newer euro emissions standard. You can get that rectified at the DIV. In the meantime, you can have this better euro emissions standard registered for free in the Flemish LEZ database. You can then enter the low-emission zone with your vehicle. 

You can see this on the European certificate of conformity. If the European code under 'Exhaust emissions' states a better euro emissions standard, then you need to register your vehicle. You can also check this with our online tool. 

How much does it cost? 

The registration is free. 

What do you need? 

  • your vehicle's registration certificate 
  • the European certificate of conformity indicating your emission code 

What do you need to do? 

Do this no later than 1 day after you entered the low-emission zone. That way, you will avoid a fine. 

Please note: The decision on your application is not final until you receive confirmation. The processing of your application may take up to 14 days. If you enter the low-emission zone in Ghent before receiving confirmation, you do so at your own risk. If your application is subsequently rejected, you may receive a fine. It is therefore best to register in advance.