Registration for the LEZ: vehicle with a foreign number plate

Can your car with a foreign number plate enter the low-emission zone? You first have to register the vehicle (except Dutch vehicles).

What is it about? 

Is your vehicle authorised for the LEZ? Then you need to register your vehicle once, free of charge. 

Please note: Does your vehicle have Dutch number plates? Then you do not need to register the vehicle. The details of Dutch vehicles are automatically retrieved from the number plate register of the RDW (Netherlands Vehicle Authority…).  

How much does it cost? 

The registration is free.  

What do you need? 

  • The foreign registration certificate of your vehicle. There you will also find the euro emissions standard of your car. As a driver, you are obliged to carry a registration certificate on the public roads in Belgium. 

Are you driving a rental car and do not have a registration certificate? Then you need an official document showing the number plate, the date of 1st registration and the euro emissions standard. 

Do you not have the documents with you? Then you can either: 

  • enter the details online and attach a photo with the request 
  • retrieve the details at home 
  • request your details on the following websites: 
    Please note: these websites are not always accessible 
  • GB: 

What do you need to do? 

Do this no later than the day after you entered the low-emission zone. That way, you will avoid a fine. 

Please note: The decision on your application is not final until you receive confirmation. The processing of your application may take up to 14 days. If you enter the low-emission zone in Ghent before receiving confirmation, you do so at your own risk. If your application is subsequently rejected, you may receive a fine. It is therefore best to register in advance. 

Not authorised? Purchase a temporary permit or an LEZ day pass.