International cooperation
What is the City of Ghent's vision on international cooperation?

Think global, act local
The City of Ghent has built a solid and professional approach to international cooperation in recent years. This is no coincidence. Our city organisation believes in the power of international cooperation. Whether it concerns developing the just climate transition, the promotion of digital innovation that is accessible to everyone or realising a circular economy: the challenges of today and tomorrow transcend local and national borders.
Local, regional and international cooperation is therefore essential to tackle cross-border challenges collectively. Cities and local governments have a unique asset in this respect: they are the place where administrators, citizens, knowledge institutions and business meet each other most concretely.
By working together at international level, cities can also strengthen their position and benefit from shared expertise and resources to realise the thematic ambitions in the current coalition agreement. Furthermore, qualitative international work gives the city a good reputation.
For the policy period 2019-2024, the City of Ghent has set 4 major international objectives. You can find them below.
Networking as a lever
There are many other international topics, opportunities and partners around which and with which to cooperate. You can find these in the policy note ‘International Cooperation’.
To achieve these objectives, a solid and well-developed network is crucial. International networks allow the City to establish international contacts in various urban policy areas of interest to Ghent. The City of Ghent is currently member of 53 European and international networks. Membership is a well-considered choice and is regularly evaluated.
Eurocities is the largest European city network and by far the most important network for the City of Ghent. Through Eurocities, we share knowledge on various policy themes with other European cities, work together on projects and ensure that the voices of cities are reflected in European decision making. The City of Ghent has been a member since 1998 and has consciously taken on an active role since then, as it is one of the most important and influential instruments to influence European policy. Ghent is currently Vice President of Eurocities.
Closer to home, there has been close cooperation with our neighbours in Zeeland (the Netherlands) in the context of North Sea Port District (NSPD). This is a partnership since 2021 between the Zeeland municipalities of Terneuzen, Vlissingen and Borsele, the East Flemish municipalities of Evergem, Zelzate and Ghent and the provinces of Zeeland and East Flanders. Sustainability, quality of life and mobility are the main topics on the agenda.
A window on the world
To achieve Ghent's priorities and objectives, we mainly look at the European policy context. But the world is bigger than Belgium and Europe.
Since 1973, for instance, the City of Ghent has had a sister city in Japan: Kanazawa. Cooperation between Kanazawa and Ghent focuses on youth exchanges, cultural and academic cooperation, culinary exchanges and knowledge sharing.
With over 150 nationalities, Ghent is also a super diverse and international city. A lot of international talent lives and works in Ghent. These (temporary) residents are not only important for the labour market, they also give Ghent a good international reputation. Living as an expat in Ghent? Visit this page for more information
In addition, Ghent actively supports the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and is one of the only cities in Belgium and Europe to publish an annual sustainability report. The SDGs are also at the heart of Ghent's global solidarity policy, which focuses on three themes: fair trade, human rights and decolonisation.