Employment and registration of EU citizens

Here you find out more on the employment and registration of EU citizens.

Who is considered an EU citizen?

An EU citizen is every person who holds the nationality of one of the following countries: Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Finland, France, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Greece, Croatia, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, the Czech Republic, and Sweden. Citizens who hold the nationality of Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland will be treated as EU citizens with regard to employment and registration.

What are the rules for employment and registration of EU citizens?

EU citizens must be able to present an identity card, passport or any other official document proving their EU nationality. In order to be legally employed they do not have to present Annex 19, an electronic residence card E or E+ or any other ‘residence document’ or work permit.

Apply for a belgianIDpro number

How to apply for a belgianIDpro number can be found on this page.

Foreign job students

Sigedis cannot assign a belgianIDpro number to foreign job students. In that case the employer can submit a Dimona declaration without a belgianIDpro number. The employer must then have minimum identification data: surname, first name, date and place of birth, sex, address.

Occasional employees in agriculture and horticulture

Sigedis also cannot assign a belgianIDpro number to casual workers in agriculture and horticulture. These workers must go to their municipality to obtain a belgianIDpro number.

For more information you can contact Sigedis: tel. 02/212 02 55 or ident@sigedis.fgov.be or www.sigedis.be.