Open Data

Getting started yourself with data from and about the city.

What are Open Data?

When information is freely available for anyone to use, we call it Open Data. Ghent is committed to sharing the data and knowledge we have as a city. In doing so we want to encourage innovation and participation, in a transparent way.



On the Ghent Open Data portal, we share useful data that is being used in numerous applications. An app that shows you where in the city there are free parking spaces, or how busy it is in the shopping streets: these are just a few examples of Open Data applications. The possibilities are endless.


What does Ghent do around Open Data?

Where can I find Open Data?

Are you itching to get started with Open Data yourself? Good news: you can find Open Data in lots of places. We collected some of the most interesting tools and portals for you:

And what about privacy?

The Ghent's Open Data initiatives are in line with data protection legislations. That means we do not collect or share any sensitive or personal information. Want to know more? Read the City's privacy statement here.