Sustainable food
Sustainable food
Eating habits have a major impact on climate change and environmental degradation. Ghent tackles these issues by making its local food system more sustainable.
Globally, 800 million people suffer from hunger, while an estimated 30% of food is wasted. The city's food strategy 'Gent en Garde' makes the local food system more sustainable with respect for people, animals and the planet, by focusing on 3 strategic objectives:
- A short, sustainable food chain
- Sustainable food for everyone
- no food waste
Ghent's sustainable food projects & plans
Our secret ingredient: co-creative governance
One of the important aspects of Ghent's food strategy is its innovative governance model involving numerous stakeholders. The model is based on co-creation and participation.The Ghent food council:
- Brings together some 30 representatives of the agricultural sector, distribution and trade, restaurants, civil society and knowledge institutions.
- Gives advice to the city, acts as a sounding board and is also actively involved in the development of the objectives and priorities.
- Has its own budget to stimulate innovative projects that make the food system more sustainable.
Sustainable food awards & partnerships
Ghent's food policy received several national and international awards and is an active partner in several international food cooperations.
Winner of the UN Award‘Momentum for Change’
Winner of theEurocities Award 2021