Nature-inclusive building for more wildlife in the city

Ghent wants to give birds, bats, bees and plants a permanent place in the city with climate-proof interventions in buildings.

Daktuin Wintercircus
Ghent is working with Flanders to create more space for nature in the city. The 'Nature-incorporation' project aims to make buildings and houses more climate-proof and thus more attractive to plants and animals. The project will run until 31 August 2026.


In order to give nature more opportunities in the city, research is being done into existing wildlife-friendly measures in nature-inclusive construction projects. New construction techniques and materials are also being developed and optimized.

Further training and tools

To ensure that nature-inclusive construction becomes the new normal and is accessible to everyone, methodologies and tools for support and participation are being developed. Project developers, builders, architects and policy officers are also being trained and retrained.

Demo projects

During the project there are demonstration projects in the Netherlands and Flanders, both in new construction, redevelopment and renovation. The City of Ghent is also carrying out a demonstration project at three locations.

  • In the Rattendalepark we are building a wildlife tower for tawny owls, stone martens and bats.
  • The new competition tower at the Watersportbaan will have a roof where terns can breed.
  • On the old abbey walls of the Saint-Bavo Abbey, we are experimenting with softcapping, a green roof with grass and plants that retains water so that it does not penetrate the walls. The green roof also provides food for bees, butterflies, beetles, ... which in turn are food for birds.


The 'Nature-incorporation' project is made possible by the Interreg Flanders Netherlands programme.

  • Total projectbudget: 5,53 million euro
  • EU funding: 2,76 million euro
  • Budget Ghent: 100.379 euro
  • EU funding Ghent: 50.189,54 euro


Flanders: APB Kamp C, Blenders VZW, Embuild Vlaanderen, Hogeschool PXL, Natuurinvest, Natuurpunt Studie, Provincie Limburg, Province of East Flanders, Province of Flemish Brabant, Province of West Flanders, City of Ghent, Flemish Government and Buildwise

The Netherlands: Municipality of Breda, Municipality of Goes, Municipality of Middelburg, Municipality of Terneuzen, Municipality of Weert, Province Zeeland, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven and Vogelbescherming Nederland

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